National Lazy Day!

Happy National Lazy Day!!

How do I know this? It was actually pre-printed in my planner!


Today I have all sorts of Lazy things planned for me and the boys! First we are going to eventually get up and then we are going to do nothing, but lay around, watch movies, nap, read and lay by the pool. Which as Jack says is actually doing something!

Lazy Day is celebrated on August 10 each year.  It’s a day to chill out and be lazy for a day. Laziness (also called indolence) is a reluctance to do an activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. Sounds really impressive so I thought I must participate!
So, today you need to embrace you inner laziness! We don’t give ourselves enough time or permission just to relax and enjoy the things around us. (Quantity of work does not always equal quality of work.
These companies actually encourage their employees to nap sometime during the work day: Zappos, Nike, NASA, Google and Huffington Post.)
Well today you have permission! It was on my calendar!!
I’ll let you know how our lazy day goes!!

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