Spot On!!

Laughing Out Loud!!

This is a conversation that  Jack and Jason have on a regular basis!

This one made me laugh out loud, too!

It made me thin of the post I shared on Dec. 16, 2010. At that time, it was a classic Belding dinner.


Jason made corn bread to go with the chili for dinner….

Jason: “Boys you need to try the corn bread.  Just one bite won’t hurt you.” (words of death)

Jack: “I’m not doing it.”

Sam:  “Just one bite?”

Me thinking: Great. Someone is going to throw-up, Jason will get upset, I’ll gag and dinner will be ruined.  SERIOUSLY…don’t go there, Mr. Jason. Remember when you made Jack try carrots??? (barf-o-ramma)

My internal trauma thinking:  NO DON”T DO THAT JASON!  My mom and dad made me sit for over an hour sometimes to eat one pea….and I still don’t like them…the peas.  The average person waits in line for 6 months of their life…that doesn’t include waiting at a stop light, waiting at the Dr. office or on the phone.  So basically, my parents just added onto my life waiting time.  Plus I got to practice my stubbornness.

Sam after trying one bite:  “I don’t really like this. ”

Me: “Not a problem, Sam.  Thanks for trying a bite.”

Jack:” I’m not doing it.”

Jason: “One bite. That’s all.”

Me thinking: Do I step in and save my child or do I team work with my husband?

Jack takes one bite and the GAG-O-RAMMA begins.

Sam: “OH NO!!”

Jason: “Jack, swallow it and take a drink.”

Me thinking: Too late, Mr. College Boy.

Jack throws up on his napkin.

Me thinking: (Wish you didn’t eat that fabulous Santa cookie, Jack…what a waste)

Me: “Jason, seriously?”

Jason: “Seriously, Jack!”

Sam….Sam….Oh, he bolted upstairs.

Me:  “Have fun cleaning that up.”

Sam (standing at the top of the stairs): “Dad, that just goes to show you that not all people like the same things…and that is OK!”

Me thinking:  High Five to me for teaching Sam that little speech!

Me: smirk and Jason and shrug my shoulders

Jason:  “Sam, I really don’t need your advice right now!”

I clean up Jack…

Sam comes down and sits on the complete other end of the island…but not before asking: “Did any of that stuff get on my plate?”

Jack: “See, dad, THAT is why you people should never try new foods.”

Since then, Jack has lived on hot dogs, mac-n-cheese and chicken noodle soup. 

What is hilarious is that we were at friends house, not so long ago. We were eating chili and oven fresh corn bread. Jack was offered corn bread and (surprisingly) said he would try it. He then said, “I need to eat it over the garbage can though.” Our friend replied “Oh ya..corn bread can be crumbly and messy.” Jack, “No. I have a tendency to throw up when I eat corn bread.”

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