Garage Sale…

Welcome Back!

Last weekend I had a garage sale. I haven’t done a garage sale in YEARS! People would tell me how much work they are, but I thought it can’t be that hard. Well, I am here to tell you that I was totally wrong! They are a lot of work!!

I must share that Jack was a BIG help! He went through the toys and books and priced them all. (after he read a few)

He tested out the Karaoke Machine and was excited to hear that it still worked! One item OFF the sale!

He went through the Play Dough and Play Dough toys and put different sets together! I wold have never been able to do this task!

Jack was so motivated by money, that he was okay with going through some of his old tubs of toys!

The day of the Sale, Sam helped me put out signs. Until we had to walk to the round-about on a very busy street. He refused to get out of the car…teenagers.

I had the sale on Thursday night and had a great turn out. Friday was nice and steady and unloaded a lot of stuff!

Jack helped with change and keeping track of his earnings!

Sam directed traffic and visitors loved it! We heard several times they had not been to a garage sale with valet parking!

I would say the sale was an overall success, but it is a lot of work! Even the “take down” part took half a day and had to be done in the heat wave. Was the money I made worth it? Yes. Would I do it again soon. No.

PS…Jack made a good chunk of money and has already bought…you guessed it. A new Nerf Gun!

Just Finished…

Welcome Back!

Just finished The Chemist by Stephanie Meyer.

Image result for the chemist stephenie meyer

If her name sounds familiar, she also wrote the Twilight series, which I read two in the series, and liked them a whole lot more than this book!

For the first three chapters I had no idea what was going on…the only thing I got was someone was coming after the main character (who is constantly changing her name) and she slept in the bathroom with a gas mask due to setting chemical traps all over her house. Finally she meets with an old employee who says he needs her help..or does he really, because she doesn’t trust anyone. I finally figured out that the main character (Alex) is a chemist that tortured people for the government. She knows a big secret (which I never figure out what) and now the government wants her killed. I read the first 200 pages in the first day…it was AMAZING!! And then the last 300 pages were horrible!!

After a great start, the love story starts and draaaaagggggssss on. Then we would have 10 pages of action and drrrraaaggggg again. Soooooo many details that it ruined the story. Then another 10 pages of semi-action and by the time we get to the big ending, we realize that this is a typical love story ending and I really wasn’t vested in any of the characters.

I would give the 528 page book 2 stars. I would give it one, but two because the first third of the book was great.

Read the Twilight series before this one.

Welcome to My New Site!


I hope you didn’t have any problems finding me!  This has been a long process and I am finally ready to launch my new site!

It has not been an easy process. For example, I had one site ready to launch and suddenly all the typing turned into code!! Then I was doing some test runs and lost the entire sight due to being bogged down by scripts! UGH!! I am obviously no techie!  After many bad words said out loud (thank you Jack for covering your ears!) pouting in the shower and talking to Abhilash on-line, my tech helper,  I am ready for an official test run this week. As you see it is very simple and this format does not allow me to add photos on the sidebar. I may find one in the future that will allow such a feature, but at this time all pictures will be in the post! 🙂
(Where I sat for the entire day on Saturday working on my new site!)

Jack sat across from me all day and worked on launching his own you-tube site…every time he asked if something was “okay” I said,”Sure.” I was a bit distracted and “edgy.”

I better go back and find out what that was all about!
Hope that you come back often and enjoy the new site and don’t forget to bookmark this site as the other one will no longer be updated!

See you tomorrow!