

These two pictures showed up on a photo feed. They are two of my absolute  favorite pictures of the boys. Time goes by so fast (sniff.)

Jack holding onto Sam’s finger melts my heart!

Jack loved being with (and still does) being with Sam and doing whatever Sam was doing. Sam put the pillow in Jack’s basket to help him sit up higher.

Time just goes by soooo fast.

Just Finished

Welcome Back!

Just Finished The Blinds by Adam Sternbergh

This is a tricky book to review because I don’t want to give anything way! I read this review and it puts it perfectly:

We have a small town in Texas (the third least populated county of the country), a memory removing procedure, and a wide cast of criminals or witnesses who ended up there as a kind of witness protection program/alternative to prison. The residents are completely separated from their old lives; they even choose new name upon arrival. Anonymity, a fresh start. Everything is quiet for eight years until two people are shot in different instances.

I haven’t read anything like this before and really enjoyed it! The first half of this book is strong and pulls you right in.  It’s a great premise and I would give this book 5 stars, but when you begin to read  about the “inmates” past lives, suddenly the author decides to use long sentences with large adjectives to describe the crimes/events. This gets a bit drawn out in the middle, but I think the author redeems himself with a good ending.

I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Winter Break…

Hello & Happy New Year!

Break was just what we all needed…a break from everything. I lost track of time and days and enjoyed hanging out with no schedules and ate WAY too much.

Here’s a look of some of the things we did over break…

Christmas with my family.

(We’ve decided that Sam and my dad are twins!)

Played chess and cards and vids!

Henry left and headed back to the North Pole!

When we would drive someplace, someone would fall sound asleep!

Charlie started napping with me. (I said I would never let her on my bed)

But, she doesn’t have a cool nap mask like me!

Charlie loved her first snow!

Popped popcorn in Jason’s new popper. Charlie is ADDICTED to popcorn and every tie she waits patiently for some to fall on the floor!

Cousin Christmas!

Jack had three teeth pulled. He did amazing! The gas made his arms and hands float!

Went to an ISU basketball game.

Celebrated New Years Eve!

Both boys went to friends to celebrate. Jason and I watched a movie!

Sam actually took a nap yesterday! He NEVER naps! NYE must have been a rough one!

Here’s to getting back on schedule and trying to keep those New Years Resolutions! Happy New Year to all of my readers!


Just Finished…


I just finished the book Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker.

Form Goodreads:

A thriller about two missing sisters, a twisted family, and what happens when one girl comes back…

One night three years ago, the Tanner sisters disappeared: fifteen-year-old Cass and seventeen-year-old Emma. Three years later, Cass returns, without her sister Emma. Her story is one of kidnapping and betrayal, of a mysterious island where the two were held. But to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Abby Winter, something doesn’t add up. Looking deep within this dysfunctional family Dr. Winter uncovers a life where boundaries were violated and a narcissistic parent held sway. And where one sister’s return might just be the beginning of the crime.

From Me!

“Not knowing, not seeing, being deceived—it makes you question everything you have come to trust. It makes you doubt your own judgment, and the truths you have come to believe in, which sometimes are so deeply embedded, you don’t even know they’re there, shaping your thoughts.”

While reading this book, I questioned everything. The two sisters just disappeared one evening and Cass, the youngest shows back up after three years. She shares quite the story of what happened to the sisters while gone and I kept thinking where is this going?

The mother is extremely narcissistic, which I enjoyed reading traits about narcissistic people. But instead of thinking about the mom, all I could think about was Trump. (ew.)

It does twist, but didn’t twist smoothly. At times I was like “What?” How did she get them to do that from what she just said and ended up rereading. Also, Cass took a lot of careful planning, which she would be only 15 when she disappeared, I considered her a  genius. Sam is 15 and I don’t think he could have made such an extravagant plan.

At one point towards the end of the book, it did have a twist that I really didn’t see coming and enjoyed. That was a nice chapter.

But, maybe I missed something due to reading rave review after rave review of this book. I can see why readers loved this book, it does take you on a ride, but I now feel like I should reread the book, knowing the ending, to put the pieces together in my mind a bit better.

I give this book a 3 out of 5 stars.



Merry Christmas!

I took an unplanned break from the blog due to  trying to get ready for the holiday season (and reading!)

Oh yea, thought I’d share how Henry went bad one day!

Will be back next week (the 26th) so I hope all 15 of my followers stop back!

Wishing you a relaxing Christmas~enjoy some sweets and get in a nap!!

Sick Week…


Last week everyone was sick. Jack started with the flu. Then Sam came home with the flu. Then Jason got the flu. The entire time I was trying to take care of them, I had a horrible cold which included my nose running and not being able to “sniff it up,” coughing uncontrollably and snoring.

Then, just to top a cold off, I got the flu on Friday. Thank goodness everyone else was good to go. And it’s about 24 hours.

Jason took this picture of me in bed on Saturday morning.

He showed it to the boys and said, “Boys. I think your mom is dead.”

Photos of Dogs…


I must share that Charlie is not the easiest dog to get a picture of. She isn’t patient and as soon as I get the camera ready, she is off, looking over her shoulder saying, “Who has time for that?!”

A  gal that I know has two dogs that are the most photogenic dogs!! I am not kidding. Her dogs look like the ones straight our of the Pottery Barn magazine! Seriously…check them out!

And here is my dog!

Yep. That’s how she sits! She put her bum in the air and lays her head down! Someone asked if she was twerking!

I’ve accepted that there’s room for improvement…or she fits right in the our funny little family!