Unknown Beeps…


We are continuing our remodeling of the upstairs, which is coming along…slowly, but nicely. We keep telling the boys three more weeks…three more weeks…three more weeks…

We still have our XL garbage bin in the driveway.

I took Charlie out the other night and heard a beep. It got my attention and then lost my attention immediately…until the next beep. What is that? Stand still to listen. Nothing. Then beep. Well, that sounds like a fire alarm beep. How can a fire alarm beep be out here?

Suddenly it dawned on me! We had thrown out our old battery operated fire alarms and now, one is dead and is now beeping in the garage bin!

And before you say, “Why don’t you get it out of the bin…” Here’s your answer to why I won’t be digging the fire alarm out!

Rumor has it, the fire alarm beeping all through the night is driving the raccoons and possums crazy!!

Is it Here?


We spent Saturday and Sunday outside doing yard work, cleaning and looking to see if Spring was coming…

Last year at this time, we had the pool opened and the boys had been swimming already!

The good news is that by Sunday night, while eating dinner outside, we believed Spring had srung! (cross our fingers!)

So True…

If you are addicted to chapstick, like me, you understand this struggle.  

This happens to me when one chapstick runs out and I replace it with a different strategically placed chapstick. It throws me all off!

There’s  nothing more aggravating then a misplaced chapstick.

My chapstick places: my purse, my work bag, my car, my apron at work, in the kitchen, in the bedroom and one in my scrap room.

If I don’t have one near me or go somewhere without one, sometimes I can’t stop thinking about how to get one! 😜 Talk about addicted!


It’s True…


I came across this picture I took of an impression of Donald Trump’s hand, while in Hollywood last year.

Now I would say Jason is an average sized guy with average/normal sized hands….not big, but not small. So he put his hand over Trump’s.

As you can see, Trump’s hands ARE small. Just in case you were wondering.

All for now…

As you can imagine, I have all sorts of thoughts and feelings about what happened in Florida.

I am sure if you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or any loved ones that go to school, This thought has passed through your mind at some point.😔

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I wrote a long heart felt post, but will or will not share next week.

This is all I have to say for now.


Welcome Back!

When I pick up Charlie’s poo in a poop bag (may be too much information) I  throw it into our “poop-bag bucket.”

Out poop bucket is beside our recycle bin, so instead of walking around to the bin, at times, I throw it over the bushes to see if I can hit the poop-bag bucket. No, you cannot see the bucket from where I toss the bag.

Here is the poop-bucket from the recycle bin side.  (NO it is NOT that full! It is full of frozen snow and that is why the bags are at the top!!)

The other day, I gave the bag a good toss and Oops..it got caught in the tree! (Oh Dear!!) How gross is that!?!?

Can you spot the yellow bag in the tree in the previous pictures? We will have to get it down…but not sure how. It’s strategically landed right over the bushes and as you can see, it’s caught on one of the higher branches.

Most would say, stop throwing that bags over the bushes.
I say, try aiming lower!


Influenza Down!


I am now a statistic. I am one of the many people that have had influenza A. It knocked me out. I was down for the count. This was my view for days.

Charlie slept on the end of the bed…looking out the window. She was very quiet and actually left me alone. I think she knew I didn’t feel good. The TV was on, but I really didn’t watch much…just slept.

Finally feeling better, but get worn out pretty quickly. All the boys have stayed well due to putting myself in quarantine, with Charlie.

Hope you and your family are all staying well!!

Shoot the Moon

Welcome Back!

jack has a fun challenge game that sits on our coffee table called Shoot the Moon. The concept is to balance the silver ball on the poles and try to drop it into the Saturn cup. It’s A LOT harder than it looks. I’ve only been able to get to Jupiter two times.

Related image

When Jack plays, Charlie is always by his side, eyeing that little silver ball.

Then Charlie had an idea…
She went and got her favorite red ball and placed it on the poles. It was much easier to get to Saturn with a larger ball!


Welcome Back!

I really needed to start moving again…either working out at the gym (yuck) or doing something at home. I’ve always been interested in yoga, so yoga it was! With the suggestions of a couple of friends, I started Yoga with Adriene, specifically, 30 Days of Yoga: True.


I love it and would highly suggested it to anyone that might be interested in yoga. The entire series (plus many many more videos) are available on youtube…for free!

The top question I asked others (and have been asked) is, “Do you really get a work out?” Oh, yes you do!  I actually needed to take a day off to let my muscles recover . Adriene eases you into the entire practice of yoga and I am actually  doing the moves correctly now and can feel the difference.

So need a little encouragement to get moving, then try True! I don’t think you will be disappointed!