Doing Some Wash…

Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday I did some laundry and it was not successful! No, I did not wash my whites with my reds. I washed an entire box of 120 fabric softener sheets with my large load of laundry.

WHAT? How does that happen? Well, Let me tell ya…

I went grocery shopping and bought a brand new box a fabric softener sheets. 120 count to be exact. I had a laundry basket beside the basement door, so I threw the box of fabric softener sheets into the basket on top of the dirty laundry in the basket. Then I went and gathered other dirty laundry and put it allĀ  in the same basket, covering the box.

I went downstairs and decided just to dump the items in the laundry basket right into the washer, not sorting the laundry and never thinking about the box of fabric sheets or seeing them because they were buried between laundry.

However, I did remember them when I opened the finished load.
The white pieces are actually fabric softener HUGE clumps! Brown…the box. Which I was pleased, not please, how bio-degradable it happens to be!

So I started to clean up…not pretty. The brown is the box. UGH!! And yes, that brown was all over the clothes.

And here is a pile of 100+ fabric sheets.

At least the box was on sale. And yes, the clothes were super soft…hahaha!

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