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As I have stated many times before, I cannot stand raw meat. It just grosses me out. I can handle maximum about 1-2 pounds of raw hamburger, but more than then, it just gets to me…I have no idea why, I just really start to feel a bit woozy. (imagine that)

Well, part of being a parent (mom) with a son on the football team is that we (the moms) volunteer to bring a team meal one time during the season. Last Thursday was my day to help with the meal and our assigned meal was sloppy joes. I didn’t think twice when signing up with a friend. Sloppy Joes…that will be easy!

Then I was told to prepare 10 POUNDS OF HAMBURGER. What?
Oh yea..10 pounds of raw meat that I had to cook. (gag) OH…of course, Jason was out of town.

So, I had to buy 10 pounds of raw hamburger meat. That took courage just to go up to the meat counter and ask for 10 pounds of eat…nonchalantly.  The first thing out of the “butchers” mouth, “What are you needing 10 pounds of meat for?”  The introvert in me HATES that…do not ask me why I need this much meat, just say ok and give it to me!

Anyway, I got 10 pounds of meat..in a TUBE! (ugh!!) Gross.
1. I did not wantoto lay this tube of cow on my other groceries, but I had not other choice.

2. Why didn’t the butcher put the meat in a brown wrap like my other meat?

3. Thank goodness this was the last thing I needed on my grocery list because if I had to do more shopping I wouldn’t. Who wants to push around a cart with a giant tube of raw meat that you cannot hide under a box of frozen pancakes!

4. I actually got the nervous giggles (pretty mature, Katie!) when I was walking down the aisle (by my self) with my huge meat tube.

5. When I got to the check-out the cashier looked at me like I was crazy and said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

6. Thank goodness I got myself pulled together and stopped my immature self giggling (and that Jason wasn’t with me to encourage my giggling) and did not make any inappropriate comments about my meat tube. All I said, “Lucky me to be the first person to bring you a 10 pound meat tube.”

7. The bagger touched it, put it in ONE plastic sack (REALLY!!) and then wiped her hands on her pants…ew.

I get my meat tube home and now I have to cook all this meat. SO not looking forward to this. I look at the tube and realize I am going to have to cut it open. I wish I would have take a picture of the blood pools in the tube (you can look back at the first photo and see what I am talking about), but I only have a picture of the blood running in the sink after cutting the first 2 pounds of meat and squeezing it (yes, I had to squeeze it like play dough) from the plastic into the skillet. (Pass out. Done.)

So I took the first two pounds and put it in the skillet. At this point, I text my friend and asked if it was too late to just bring pizzas.

I didn’t by the good stuff, it would have cost me a small fortune, so I got about 85% lean. Talk about popping and squirting fat all over. Gross. After browning the first two pounds, I still had 8 more pounds to go.

It was a long night.


1 thought on “Yuck.”

  1. That’s why I can’t eat meat loaf or anything except a hamburger made out of meat like that it’s just gross to look at

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