Saving Teeth…


I was cleaning out Jack’s room. Deep cleaning is always  interesting when getting deep into Jack’s room. All sorts of treasures can be found, including all his baby teeth. Some were in a special hidden spots, some where in baggies and pinned to his bulletin board.

But, this was the most interesting found tooth in a baggie. One that he lost while biting into a Starburst.

Most kids, I am guessing, would have pulled the tooth out of the Starburst, but not Jack. Was I surprised? Nope.

What did I do with this found treasure…I but it back in the baggie and put it with the rest of his teeth.

(I do not judge Jack keeping his baby teeth. I, too, saved teeth. Including my basset hound’s baby dog teeth AND I scrapbooked them  after he would lose a tooth. I KNOW!! I’ve been scrapbooking forever!!)