Garage Sale…

Welcome Back!

Last weekend I had a garage sale. I haven’t done a garage sale in YEARS! People would tell me how much work they are, but I thought it can’t be that hard. Well, I am here to tell you that I was totally wrong! They are a lot of work!!

I must share that Jack was a BIG help! He went through the toys and books and priced them all. (after he read a few)

He tested out the Karaoke Machine and was excited to hear that it still worked! One item OFF the sale!

He went through the Play Dough and Play Dough toys and put different sets together! I wold have never been able to do this task!

Jack was so motivated by money, that he was okay with going through some of his old tubs of toys!

The day of the Sale, Sam helped me put out signs. Until we had to walk to the round-about on a very busy street. He refused to get out of the car…teenagers.

I had the sale on Thursday night and had a great turn out. Friday was nice and steady and unloaded a lot of stuff!

Jack helped with change and keeping track of his earnings!

Sam directed traffic and visitors loved it! We heard several times they had not been to a garage sale with valet parking!

I would say the sale was an overall success, but it is a lot of work! Even the “take down” part took half a day and had to be done in the heat wave. Was the money I made worth it? Yes. Would I do it again soon. No.

PS…Jack made a good chunk of money and has already bought…you guessed it. A new Nerf Gun!